VOX Press was incorporated as a 501 (c) 3 non-profit in 2007 in order to educate the impoverished and marginalized in our society by teaching them to read, interpret, and appreciate the contemporary world of literary arts. We also publish and disseminate these looked over voices.
VOX’s formal mission is to encourage, promote and provide opportunities for the creation and public presentation of literature, art and other creative works by individual and groups traditionally neglected by the publishing industry, the academy and other public venues and institutions.
our mission
While VOX Press was originally founded in 2004 as a literary journal, committed to avant-garde and experimental forms, our mission has since expanded to include other neglected and marginalized populations (including racial and ethnic minorities, the incarcerated, etc.) and our areas of service have evolved and expanded to include:
Publishing. VOX Press continues to publish works of experimental literature, chronicling important voices outside of traditional publishing.
Performing. The VOX Press Artists Series offers a venue for both established and emerging artists. While focusing on literary artists, the series also offers performance and exhibit opportunities for performing and visual artists.
Preparing. VOX’s Educational Outreach Program provides no-cost training in creative writing, literacy skills and the arts who have traditionally been underserved by the Mississippi public education and other institutions.
Just Released: Inmate Writing from Unit 29, Parchman
Unit 29: Writing from Parchman Prison is a collection of writings from over 30 Mississippi inmates housed in the infamously brutal Unit 29 at Mississippi State Penitentiary, better known as Parchman Farm. The book is not a comfortable literary work, but rather a cry for help from deep within a monstrous and insatiable beast known as Unit 29, Parchman.